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Forty Proof Tarot Set - Creator Interview

Deck Story

Some stories, some characters, some worlds have the unique ability to stay with us long after we turn the last pages. For many of my readers, the Forty Proof series is one such series. We relate to Bree, her friends, her struggles, her triumphs, and her mistakes. (I'm looking at you Alan!) Seeing how Bree's story has resonated has led me to seek tangible ways to bring Bree's story to life in a way that would let readers own a piece of it.

• Share a little about yourself

Where do you rest your head at night?

Well I am lucky enough to live on beautiful Vancouver Island, on the west coast of Canada. Our family farm is a little over 150 acres, and we work it actively with cattle and horses (and the odd stray chicken!). I don't know that I get to rest my head much lol, but I love keeping busy, so between a farm, and my publishing business, I certainly do that!

• What was your first ever Tarot deck and how did you come to own/use it?

Well, I am a late-blooming tarot user ;) I was born into a rather strict religious upbringing but was always drawn to the idea of the tarot. At one of my local stores, I found Doreen Virtue's Fairy Tarot Deck and I loved the artwork. That was my first deck, and have since moved on to Robyn Wood's deck and that is what I mostly use now.

• Why Tarot?

What about this modality calls to you most?

To me, the tarot is a reflection of the energy you put off, so it is more a reminder of things that I already know, and probably need a push to acknowledge or deal with. I love that when I am feeling stuck, and knocking on several doors trying to find a path, if I use my tarot deck I get a perspective that is still me but opens my eyes to what's perhaps truly going on.

• What is/was your most recent Tarot project?

So the Forty Proof Tarot set is my first collaborative creation. I was able to work with Melissa Steven (The Illustrated Author) and help her design a stunning full deck reflective of my bestselling series. We also brought on board Hilary Thurston (The Tarotologist) to develop the guide that will go with the set, and again, have it reflect the books that it is based on.

• Tell us about the cards: the technical and specifics?

The cards for this set are AMAZING. The entire major arcana are all different kinds of skulls of animals (and a few mythical creatures), colourfully drawn and with fantastic details. The minor arcana each represent a scene from the Forty Proof series. When you lay out the cards in line, you can see that scene. It could be the land of Fae in the pentacles, or the Hollows Graveyard in the cups, Savannah and our heroine's home for the wands, or our hero's abode of the smithy for the swords!

• What decisions were made when deciding upon the aesthetic and design for your deck?

Interestingly enough, we didn't start with the tarot deck, we actually started with a book cover for "Midlife Bounty Hunter" the first in the Forty Proof Series. The details of the death card, done up like a dragon's skull captured not only my imagination but that of my readers. So it didn't take me long to decide to move forward with this project! We (the artist and I) built upon the first few cards she'd drawn up for covers, and continued with that aesthetic throughout. We looked for ways to give the entire deck the supernatural feel that comes from books themselves, while also still developing a proper deck. Honestly, it was a fun process, and I am so excited to have this deck in my hands!

• Do you have a favourite card from the deck - and why?

I would say that the suit of swords is my favourite. Both in styling and in what the swords bring. When I draw my own tarot cards, I often pull swords, and so I find myself looking for them in every deck, including this one. I think perhaps because I myself have been a farrier, the swords and the anvil really speak to me :) [hashtag]Backstory

• How can people find you and your deck?

Right now the cards are only available through our Kickstarter (which is fully funded so you are guaranteed the cards!) and after May 15th we will have them available at a slightly higher price off my merch store,


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